How To Select A Span With A Text Inside A Div Using Css?
Solution 1:
You can use :contains to neglect the inability of CSS to select text node.
Below there are two tables in which the second table text is visible.
$(".ms-WPHeader:contains('Text-Social Notification Properties')").css("display", "none");
<scriptsrc=""></script><table><trclass="ms-WPHeader"><tdcolspan="3"><divclass="ms-WPTitle"><span>Text-Social Notification Properties</span></div></td></tr></table><table><trclass="ms-WPHeader"><tdcolspan="3"><divclass="ms-WPTitle"><span>I am visible though</span></div></td></tr></table>
Solution 2:
You can't select elements with a specific text inside via CSS. What you can do though is to via jQuery look for that element and then add a class to it, so that you then can select it via CSS.
$("span:contains('Social Notification Properties')").addClass('hide');
And then in CSS
Solution 3:
this is what i still suggest that you can use like this
display : none;
<table><trclass="WPHeader"><tdcolspan="3"><divclass="WPTitle"><span>Text-Social Notification Properties</span></div></td></tr></table><table><trclass="WPHeader"><tdcolspan="3"><divclass="WPTitle"><span>I am visible though</span></div></td></tr></table>
As what i understand about what you want to achieve this is what my try is.
Solution 4:
There's a specification for :contains('')
pseudo-class, but I'm not able to make it work on any browser.
But jQuery make this selector work as Gustaf said :
$("span:contains('Social Notification Properties')");
It's the only way to achieve this at the moment.
Solution 5:
Without using jQuery, plain JavaScript using XPath (as mentioned in comments):
var snapshot = document.evaluate(
"//tr[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' ms-WPHeader ')][contains(.//span, 'saurus')]",
document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null
for (var i = 0; i < snapshot.snapshotLength; i++) {
.highlight {
color: red;
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metacharset="utf-8"><title>JS Bin</title></head><body><table><trclass = "ms-WPHeader"><tdcolspan ="3"><divclass = "ms-WPTitle"><span>
Irrelevant text
</span></div></td></tr><trclass = "ms-WPHeader"><tdcolspan ="3"><divclass = "ms-WPTitle"><span>
A wild stegosaurus appears!
</span></div></td></tr><trclass = "ms-WPHeader"><tdcolspan ="3"><divclass = "ms-WPTitle"><span>
More irrelevant text
</span></div></td></tr><trclass = "wrongClass"><tdcolspan ="3"><divclass = "wrongClassTitle"><span>
Brontosaurus in a wrong TR
The XPath for "having a class", simple in CSS, is a bit of a pain in XPath; but it can be simplified quite a bit if you know the exact class attribute (i.e. "there will be no other classes but ms-WPHeader
"//tr[@class='ms-WPHeader'][contains(.//span, 'saurus')]"
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