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Removing Html Tags From String

I am trying to remove the HTML tags from a string. Right now I am able to remove the complete HTML tags like for example
gives me the

Solution 1:

strippedText[i] = fragments[i]
// full tags
.replace(/<[^>]+>/gm, '')
// partial tags
.replace(/^[^>]+>/gm, '')
.replace(/<[^>]+$/gm, '');

Note that ^ has different meanings: "not" within brackets, "start" outside brackets.

/gm should not be necessary for partial tags, but I left them as I don't know your context and how you're getting partial tags.

Solution 2:

my simple JavaScript library has a function called "strip_tags()" which does the long work for you.

Just say that you have a sentence loaded with HTML formatting tags, and you want to remove them, simply do it like this:

strip_tags("<p>This <em>sentence</em> contains <strong>a lot</strong> of tags!</p>");

This will output "This sentence contains a lot of tags!" (tested on the documentation website).

To read more about this function, please read the documentation at and if possible, leave feedback through the Feedback Form on the website.

Hope this helps you and anyone else with the same problem! :)

Solution 3:

Using javascript you can do this:

functionremoveHTMLTags(htmlString) {
    if(!htmlString) { return; }
    var mydiv = document.createElement("div");
    mydiv.innerHTML = htmlString;
    return mydiv.textContent || mydiv.innerText || '';


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