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Loop Through Multiple Rss Sources And Outputting In Different Divs?

I want to loop through two (possibly more in the future) RSS-feeds and put them in different container divs. I started out with following this question: JQuery Fetch Multiple RSS f

Solution 1:

Here is the interval in place. The container content will empty to display the new data.

Update: Ajax results target content_1 and content_2 with optional second method.

$(function () {
var urls = ['', ''];
  type: "GET",
  url: ''+encodeURIComponent(Query),
  dataType: 'json',
  error: function () {
  alert('Unable to load feed, Incorrect path or invalid feed');
  success: function(xml) {
//--Target ID's By content_1/2varContent=parseInt(urls.indexOf(Query))+1;
    $.each(xml.responseData.feed.entries, function(idx, value){
    $("#content_"+Content).append('<a class="news-item" href="' + + '" title="' + value.title +'" target="_blank"><p>' + value.publishedDate + '</p><h3>' + value.title + '</h3></a><hr>');    
//---------------//--Target ID's By Domain (Method Two)/*
    $.each(xml.responseData.feed.entries, function(idx, value){
    $("#"+Query.split('.')[1]).append('<a class="news-item" href="' + + '" title="' + value.title +'" target="_blank"><p>' + value.publishedDate + '</p><h3>' + value.title + '</h3></a><hr>');    
//Call GetFeeds every 5 seconds.setInterval(GetFeeds,5000);
//Page is ready, get feeds.GetFeeds();
#content_1{float:left;width:40%;overflow:hidden;border:solid 2px blue;}
#content_2{float:right;width:40%;overflow:hidden;border:solid 2px yellow;}
/* Method Two Styles
#gosugamers{float:left;width:40%;overflow:hidden;border:solid 2px green;}
#hltv{float:right;width:40%;overflow:hidden;border:solid 2px red;}
<scriptsrc=""></script><divid="content_1"></div><divid="content_2"></div><!-- Method Two Elements
<div id="gosugamers"></div>
<div id="hltv"></div>

If you don't understand any of the source code above please leave a comment below and I add any necessary comments/notes. Appreciation is shown by marking answers

I hope this helps. Happy coding!

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