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How To Submit And Post A Search Field Using Pl Sql

i would like my button to be embedded within this cursor. so when a user inputs data onto the 'search_field' and clicks the button 'Unsuspend', the Process SCRIPT should run and po

Solution 1:

It looks like your HTML isn't complete... you should have something like

 <form action="my-next-page.html">
  Student ID:
  <inputtype="text" name="student_id" >
  <inputtype="submit" value="Submit">

But here you're only generating the beginning. You probably need to add a little more, like the "form" thing above until the closing tag:

htp.BOLD ('Enter the Student ID you wish to unsuspend for the Aspire account');;;
htp.BOLD ('- PLEASE NOTE Student ID''s that are submitted will be pending unsuspension until the next working day');
htp.p ('<form action="my-next-page.html">');
htp.p (' Student ID: ');
htp.p ('<input type="text" name="student_id" >');
htp.p ('<input type="submit" value="Submit">');
htp.p ('</form>');

And then resulting post should be processed in my-next-page.html. But you really should work on an MCVE, because here it's very unclear what you're asking.

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