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Firefox 3.5 Color Correction Hack?

After finally getting down to upgrading to FF 3.5, I noticed that some of my web pages have color problems. Specifically, say I have a PNG image with a color in it which is meant t

Solution 1:

I've managed to solve this by running all the PNGs through pngcrush and remove all traces of color profiles and such.

pngcrush -rem gAMA -rem cHRM -rem iCCP -rem sRGB in.png out.png

Solution 2:

Check your image tagging. Specifically I think you can change FF3.5's behaviour in this regard by editing the gfx.color_management.mode property (see here)

Solution 3:

This is most likely due to the decision by Firefox to use ICC color profiles by default in Firefox 3.5: See this post on

You can change this in FF3.5 by entering 'about:config' in the address bar, then searching for the parameter: gfx.color_management.mode and setting it to '0' (the default in FF3.0).

Solution 4:

Firefox 3.5 now supports ICC profiles per default. That means that you can control the color output of Firefox via your OS settings. Propably, your ICC profile is not correct and you have to adapt it in your OS. It's not Firefox i think. You don't need a hack for this.

It's a client problem, as I suspect.

Solution 5:

I was having the same problem with the header jpg of my site. I tried to save it again in Photoshop (this time with ICC profile uncheked while saving). Results: files smaller, colors match. Thanks!

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