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Web Audio Analyser's Getfloattimedomaindata Buffer Offset Wrt Buffers At Other Times And Wrt Buffer Of 'complete File'

(question rewritten integrating bits of information from answers, plus making it more concise.) I use analyser=audioContext.createAnalyser() in order to process audio data, and I'm

Solution 1:

I think the AnalyserNode is not what you want in this situation. You want to grab the data and keep it synchronized with raf. Use a ScriptProcessorNode or AudioWorkletNode to grab the data. Then you'll get all the data as it comes. No problems with overlap, or missing data or anything.

Note also that the clocks for raf and audio may be different and hence things may drift over time. You'll have to compensate for that yourself if you need to.

Solution 2:

Unfortunately there is no way to find out the exact point in time at which the data returned by an AnalyserNode was captured. But you might be on the right track with your current approach.

All the values returned by the AnalyserNode are based on the "current-time-domain-data". This is basically the internal buffer of the AnalyserNode at a certain point in time. Since the Web Audio API has a fixed render quantum of 128 samples I would expect this buffer to evolve in steps of 128 samples as well. But currentTime usually evolves in steps of 128 samples already.

Furthermore the AnalyserNode has a smoothingTimeConstant property. It is responsible for "blurring" the returned values. The default value is 0.8. For your use case you probably want to set this to 0.

EDIT: As Raymond Toy pointed out in the comments the smoothingtimeconstant only has an effect on the frequency data. Since the question is about getFloatTimeDomainData() it will have no effect on the returned values.

I hope this helps but I think it would be easier to get all the samples of your audio signal by using an AudioWorklet. It would definitely be more reliable.

Solution 3:

I'm not really following your math, so I can't tell exactly what you had wrong, but you seem to look at this in a too complicated manner.

The fftSize doesn't really matter here, what you want to calculate is how many samples have been passed since the last frame.

To calculate this, you just need to

  • Measure the time elapsed from last frame.
  • Divide this time by the time of a single frame.

The time of a single frame, is simply 1 / context.sampleRate. So really all you need is currentTime - previousTime * ( 1 / sampleRate) and you'll find the index in the last frame where the data starts being repeated in the new one.

And only then, if you want the index in the new frame you'd subtract this index from the fftSize.

Now for why you sometimes have gaps, it's because AudioContext.prototype.currentTime returns the timestamp of the beginning of the next block to be passed to the graph. The one we want here is AudioContext.prototype.getOuputTimestamp().contextTime which represents the timestamp of now, on the same same base as currentTime (i.e the creation of the context).

  const ctx = newAudioContext();
  const buf = awaitfetch("").then(r=>r.arrayBuffer());
  const aud_buf = await ctx.decodeAudioData(buf);
  const source = ctx.createBufferSource();
  source.buffer = aud_buf;
  source.loop = true;
  const analyser = ctx.createAnalyser();
  const fftSize = analyser.fftSize = 2048;
  source.loop = true;
  source.connect( analyser );
  // for debugging we use two different buffersconst arr1 = newFloat32Array( fftSize );
  const arr2 = newFloat32Array( fftSize );

  const single_sample_dur = (1 / ctx.sampleRate);
  console.log( 'single sample duration (ms)', single_sample_dur * 1000);

  onclick = e => {
    if( ctx.state === "suspended" ) {
      returnconsole.log( 'starting context, please try again' );
    console.log( '-------------' );
    requestAnimationFrame( () => {
      // first frameconst time1 = ctx.getOutputTimestamp().contextTime;
      analyser.getFloatTimeDomainData( arr1 );
      requestAnimationFrame( () => {
        // second frameconst time2 = ctx.getOutputTimestamp().contextTime;
        analyser.getFloatTimeDomainData( arr2 );
        const elapsed_time = time2 - time1;
        console.log( 'elapsed time between two frame (ms)', elapsed_time * 1000 );
        const calculated_index = fftSize - Math.round( elapsed_time / single_sample_dur );
        console.log( 'calculated index of new data', calculated_index );

        // for debugging we can just search for the first index where the data repeatsconst real_time = fftSize - arr1.indexOf( arr2[ 0 ] );
        console.log( 'real index', real_time > fftSize ? 0 : real_time );
        if( calculated_index !== real_time > fftSize ? 0 : real_time ) {
          console.error( 'different' );

})().catch( console.error );
body:not(.ready) pre { display: none; }
<pre>click to record two new frames</pre>

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