Why Doesn't My Div Swap By .class Work?
Solution 1:
Note: (I explain the complete code befoe here, so just put the updated here) remember that when your selector is a className, you will got an array! change the code like this and test again:
function swap3(currentDivId ,oldDivId, newDivId) {
var oldDiv = $(currentDivId).nextAll("div." + oldDivId);
var newDiv = $(currentDivId).nextAll("div." + newDivId);
$(oldDiv).each(function(){ $(this).css({"display" : "none"}); });
$(newDiv).each(function(){ $(this).css({"display" : "block"}); });
Solution 2:
In native JavaScript, you'd use getElementsByClassName()
-- but it's not supported in IE up thru version 8. You can use a purpose-built wrapper script like this one, or use a library like jQuery to abstract away the browser differences.
In jQuery, try something like
function swap( oldClassName, newClassName ) {
$("'." + oldClassName + "'").hide();
$("'." + newClassName + "'").show();
Solution 3:
To hide the 'details' div and show the immediately-following div, assumed to be 'specs', try this jQuery snippet. It attaches a click handler to every 'product-details' div, and when it fires, it hides that div and shows its immediate sibling:
$(".product-details").click( function() {
The reverse behavior (hiding the specs and showing the details) is left as an exercise for the reader ;-)
Solution 4:
function swap3(oldDivId, newDivId) {
var oldDiv = document.getElementById(oldDivId);
var newDiv = document.getElementById(newDivId);
oldDiv.style.display = "none";
newDiv.style.display = "block";
function swap3(oldDivId, newDivId) {
var $oldDiv = $('#' + oldDivId);
var $newDiv = $('#' + newDivId);
jQuery Classes:
function swap3(oldDivClass, newDivClass) {
var $oldDiv = $('.' + oldDivClass);
var $newDiv = $('.' + newDivClass);
Solution 5:
Something else you can do is to wrap each of your products inside a div without any class or id. It does make sense to group them like that, something like
<div class="product-details">
<area shape="rect" onClick="swap3('product-
<div class="product-specs">
<div class="product-details">
<area shape="rect" onClick="swap3('product-
<div class="product-specs">
Note the extra wrapping divs. Now, you can use the parent element to identify the product specs that you have to show. E.g.: (Maybe there's a better way to do it)
$('.product-details').click(function() {
// Find the specs to show
var $specs = $(this).siblings('.product-specs');
// Hide the other ones
// Show the one that you want
Hope it works!
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