Dynamically Building Horizontal Menu
Solution 1:
Perhaps a function or a do..while loop may be in order? Proof of concept:
function menuQuery($id)
$query = "SELECT * FROM site_menu WHERE Menu_ParentID = $id";
if ($query) {
foreach($query AS $q) {
//run through the results
//initial call of top level menu items
Solution 2:
I would suggest to put a sort or order column in your menu table. You could then pull back all of the results using the sort column. This would allow you to order the Top level of the menu with the sub menu items right underneath each other.
With that you could create just one loop with the database results and choose what section of the menu to write based on whether the parent_id is populated or not.
Solution 3:
- Write a single query, ordered by
Process that query one row at a time. You'll be starting with the root since it's ID is 0. For each row, loop through all the other rows and find the children of that row, ie, those rows whose parent id equals the id of the row you are processing. Use this process to build a data structure like so:
[ Root Item 1, [Child1, Child2, [SubChild1, SubChild2], Child3], Root Item 2, ...]
Write a helper function like so (untested):
function displayItem($item) { if (is_array($item)) { $html = '<li><ul>'; foreach ($item as $subitem) $html .= displayItem($subItem); $html .= '</ul></li>'; return $html; } else return '<li>' . $item . '</li>'; }
Loop through the structure you created in 2., calling displayItem for each element
Solution 4:
The best technique for storing website navigation trees is called the Nested Set Model.
There is a good example implementation here: Dealing with nested sets in mysql?
Solution 5:
array('Menu_ID'=>1, 'Menu_Name'=>'Catalog', 'Menu_Link'=>'#', 'Menu_ParentID'=>0),
array('Menu_ID'=>2, 'Menu_Name'=>'Reports', 'Menu_Link'=>'#', 'Menu_ParentID'=>0),
array('Menu_ID'=>3, 'Menu_Name'=>'Products','Menu_Link'=> '#','Menu_ParentID'=> 1),
array('Menu_ID'=>4, 'Menu_Name'=>'Sales','Menu_Link'=> '#', 'Menu_ParentID'=>2),
array('Menu_ID'=>5, 'Menu_Name'=>'Customers','Menu_Link'=> '#', 'Menu_ParentID'=>2),
array('Menu_ID'=>6, 'Menu_Name'=>'Tvs','Menu_Link'=> '#','Menu_ParentID'=> 3));
// Menu_ID Menu_Name Menu_Link Menu_ParentID
function loop_menu($rows,$parent = 0){
foreach ($rows as $row)
if (array_key_exists('Menu_ParentID',$row) && $row['Menu_ParentID'] == $parent){
$arr[$i]['child']= loop_menu($rows,$row['Menu_ID']);
return $arr;
[0] => Array
[data] => Array
[Menu_ID] => 1
[Menu_Name] => Catalog
[Menu_Link] => #
[Menu_ParentID] => 0
[child] => Array
[0] => Array
[data] => Array
[Menu_ID] => 3
[Menu_Name] => Products
[Menu_Link] => #
[Menu_ParentID] => 1
[child] => Array
[0] => Array
[data] => Array
[Menu_ID] => 6
[Menu_Name] => Tvs
[Menu_Link] => #
[Menu_ParentID] => 3
[child] => Array
[1] => Array
[data] => Array
[Menu_ID] => 2
[Menu_Name] => Reports
[Menu_Link] => #
[Menu_ParentID] => 0
[child] => Array
[0] => Array
[data] => Array
[Menu_ID] => 4
[Menu_Name] => Sales
[Menu_Link] => #
[Menu_ParentID] => 2
[child] => Array
[1] => Array
[data] => Array
[Menu_ID] => 5
[Menu_Name] => Customers
[Menu_Link] => #
[Menu_ParentID] => 2
[child] => Array
then code something like array to ul
another array style
$arr[$i]['data'] = $row;
$arr[$i]['child']= loop_menu($rows,$row['Menu_ID']);
change to
$row['child'] = loop_menu($rows,$row['Menu_ID']);
$arr[$i] = $row;
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